Giving Questions...

 1. What are your financial needs?

Public school and homeschool in Taiwan won’t work well for our 2 older kids in high school age as they prepare for college in America. Tuition is still approx. $833 monthly per child for private school if we receive financial aid. Our ministry also needs another 15 regular supporters to reach our budget goal for 2020. We are supported by donations only from families and churches as full-time missionaries. 

2. How can I donate to your INSIDE Out ministry?

Use our “Give Online” button above or visit select DONATE on the top right menu then click on ‘INSIDE Out-Sam & Helen Livingston’ for access to enter your payment details. You can also mail your donations to INSIDE Out+Mission Stream P.O. Box 1 Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Call 1-866-984-5622 or Email for donation questions or Sam & Helen by going to our contact page.

3. How can I help with the K-12 tuition costs of your missionary children overseas?

Our four children have tried Taiwanese public schooling and homeschool, but the best preparation for their eventual return to America is found at Morrison Christian Academy here in our city. You may give directly through their UGift education savings link. This puts 100% of your gifts into their educational costs via an IRS monitored 529 savings fund. Note homeschooling our younger children through an online school also costs thousands so we appreciate help with their tuition as well. Be advised that any excess funds given to their accounts may go to their college educational costs as well. Be sure to use the gift account numbers given below.

Grace's UGift Code W7C-Q79

Lily's UGift Code D12-94K

Joy's UGift Code 32J-C32

Nathan's UGift code P8K-Y52

4. How will receipts be handled?

You will receive a tax deductible receipt if you give through our nonprofit, Mission Stream. You also have access to your giving history online if you wish and can choose if you want receipts printed or emailed to you. If you give directly to our children’s K-12 education you will NOT receive a tax deductible receipt. If you make a tuition gift online, you will see an online confirmation page at the end of the process, and you will also receive a confirmation email.

5. How much  of my donation will get to your ministry, INSIDE Out?

All home office staff raise their own support like we do. At 8% of donations, Mission Stream has very low administrative costs. If you want to lower that further, consider giving online through your bank   account. Though credit cards are efficient, they charge us a 2% merchant fee. Giving online through your checking account is safe and free through Mission Stream or try using your bank’s bill pay feature. Donations are released to us as taxable income, so the IRS will also get a piece of that donation before it gets to us. Giving directly to our children’s tuition avoids that.  Most of all choose whatever way you can cheerfully give.

6. What’s the track record for MissionStream?

As you can see here at the ECFA website they are a member organization, a subsidiary of Global Fellowship, and a Platinum Member of Guidestar (for financial accountability). They are a branch of Global Fellowship which has been around for over 30 years and their latest annual report gives a great visual summary of their work recently. 


Kid's Wish List

 (Non-tax deductible gift)

  • Summer camp 4 Kids

  • Android Tablet

  • Games, movies, music for travel

Parent's Wish List

  • Date-night help

  • K-12 Tuition costs (see above)

  • Family Vacation a week-long hotel stay

Gracie, Helen, and Lily in the background with her Mom’s older brother, Uncle Kuo (He is a 3rd generation Christian!)